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A Short Question and a Short Answer

What can do myself to be optimally prepared? To this important question there is an easy answer. Go to the website "Ten Points Program to Regain Your Driver's License" and follow the tips presented there. Then you will be optimally prepared for the MPU. There should certainly be the one or other tip, and so, after a summary of the Ten Points Program, I would like to use this page to provide you with additional suggestions on your way towards the driver's license.

Steps of the 10 Point Program

1. Stabilize a first informative consultation

Act quickly and arrange as soon as possible an informative consultation with a traffic psychologist. Thus you save time and nerves, and together with your therapist, you can develop a promising strategy. You know what expects you, you can collect the necessary evidence and you can reasonably plan. This will give you safety and calmness.

2. First Contact with Your Driver's License Office

Speak with the person in charge and illuminate the legal administrative status. Are there deadlines you have to respect? Are there possibilities to improve your own situation by coming up with exculpating evidence? Will an MPU eventually not take place in borderline cases, and if not, can the reason for the investigation be limited? By studying the file, you can also find out if older offences are statute-barred resp. if you memory is reliable.

3. Contacting possible MPU institutes

Call the relevant MPU institutes respectively go to one of the regularly arranged free info evenings. You can thus inspect the local circumstances. You can check if you would fell well there, and you can an impression of the customer convenience, the readiness to provide information, the competence and the accessibility of the provider. You also will receive valuable information about the conditions of the institute, i.e. you will not only find out how much the examination or an interpreter will cost, but also how expensive medical certificates are, if the will be required and which kind of document you will get. Unfortunately you can no longer take an informative consultation there, to personally talk to a doctor or psychologist, because the legislator has strictly separated examination (MPU) and counseling (MPU preparation) due to arguments of collusion of interest. Often, at least a short phone call is however still possible. Of course I will gladly give you recommendations, but is never a bad idea to get a personal impression.

4. Making a traffic psychological appointment

The main piece of your preparation will certainly be this traffic psychological therapy. You can choose between a group- and individual counseling. On the webpages "Professionality and Market" and "Advantages of an Indivdual Counseling" you find valuable advice. Avoid a dubious provider. If you can afford it, treat yourself to an individual therapy with an established freelance traffic psychologist, i.e. a "Fachpsychologe für Verkehrspsychologie". Of course, you can also take one of the serious group courses which I have introduced to you. Everything hinges on your preference, your financial options and the context conditions of the therapy. It is certainly possible to prepare oneself via intensive self-study of literature or the internet, but I would still recommend a traffic psychological intervention, since you will get a certificate of participation which might be of importance in the MPU.

5. Converting the insights and positive changes

You will be optimally prepared for an MPU if you not only have worked mentally, i.e. have understood what has been going wrong before and if you know how to prevent the past faults, but if you also have implemented additional improvements. Use the time until the MPU and try out as many positive suggestions as possible and permanently integrate them into your life. The list of possibilities is mainly defined by your personal situation and can ideally be fine-tuned with your traffic psychologist. Sometimes, these changes can even be documented, e.g. via certificates of a doctor, an employer or some other person of high esteem. Your presentation in the MPU, you self-confidence and your knowledge to have done the right thing will count more than anything else, and on these aspects you will work in a traffic-psychological counseling.

If you follow these first steps, you will have an optimal start towards a successful MPU. On my webpage "Ten Points Program to Regain Your Driver's License" you will find the missing steps, including the handing in of the traffic-psychological certificate of participation at the driver's license office or aiming at a reduction of the suspension period, then the intense studying of the course contents, the optimal check of your learning via a test examination, further the final selection of the MPU institute, and finally the completion of the MPU with a hopefully positive result.

Further Tips

On this page, I may give you a couple of additional tips on how to personally prepare for the MPU and thus how to go further into what you have learned in the traffic psychological therapy. If you have selected a serious provider, you will probably not need any of these additional options, but maybe you want to leave no stone unturned and would like to be active beyond what you have been offered in the therapy.

1. Internet (Forums)

Internet Forums are an ideal possibility to quickly get to valuable knowledge. You can also exchange views with people who are or have been in a similar position like you, and you can profit from their experience. Don't however forget that the information will approach you in an unfiltered way, and that unfortunately errors will be inevitable. This is less due to the medium of the forum itself, but the inscrutability of the MPU field. Only insiders, i.e. people who have either been themselves experts or have been resp. are in contact with them as traffic psychologists, know the system and have learned to distinguish right from wrong. In case you have chosen a serious provider, rely on his advice and don't let yourself be confused too much by the plethora of opinions. Decisive will be your own story that can deviate from those of others and your thus destined path. It can early be sketched in an informative consultation, knowing the file and your personal situation. Working with a therapist and a possible feedback by the MPU institute of your choice can minimize the uncertainty, i.e. the risk of a negative expertise.

When doing the research, rely on your intuition and your clear expertise. Read carefully and calmly consider whom you want to trust and whom not. My website is just one of many and it competes with others in a way profitable to you. I have done my best to inform you honestly and without bias. I did not hold back anything and I have provided rich information, since what I found doing my own research did not live up to my expectations. Thus my website was produced with the intention to enable you to obtain detailed and actual information right away. The more qualified information you will find on it the better. I will gladly welcome your suggestions to further improve my website.

2. Diary

A diary is an ideal possibility to personally improve without costs. Write down your experiences. Write down what has moved you and allow yourself not to censor what you write. The big advantage or a diary is that only you will be able to read it and that you do not have to justify the doings and opinions advocated. The real value for the MPU will turn up when you pick up the diary after some time and compare older entries with newer ones. You will get an ideal document your change, you can precisely fix its occurrence and what should count more in a MPU than such information? Finally, the writing itself will bring you calmness, safety and serenity. You will find yourself and your truth. You will better be able to be reconciled with your past, and you can make plans of a fresh start, a better future. When reading the diary, you will find out which of these ideas you have implemented and which not, and thus you will also learn something about yourself.

3. Friends or Family

The help of good friends can be inestimable in a time of crisis, and if you – what I wish you – have such friends, don't hesitate to call on their support. It goes without saying that in a friendship you do not have to be ashamed of your own faults and feelings and that in moments where you are not well you have to rely on a good friend. Maybe he will soothe you, maybe he will tell you what he does not like, but in the end, he will be on your side. Since he is not emotionally as deeply involved as you, he will be better prepared to give outside suggestions, to see solutions that are hidden to the one who lingers deep in the problem. Of course this support can also come from the own family, from a brother, a sister, or your partner. Times of crisis are always a chance, and thus the nuisance of the loss of your driver's license resp. of a MPU can grow into a bonus. It will help you to sort your environment, to find out who in your life is important to you and who not.

4. Self Help Group

It is often an advantage to speak to people who are not directly involved in the own life. For the offence or offences you are charged with can bring with them strain that includes your relatives or your friends as well. The self help group is the ideal medium to find friends in a similar situation, i.e. individuals who have experienced or suffered through similar events. Mostly, such a self help group will be relevant in the alcohol or drug case, but why should such a group not be thinkable in stress related over-expectation or other problem situations? Only your search will limit the possibilities, and thus you are invited to go ahead. Keep in mind, however, that the first group does not have to be the right one. Should you seriously consider the project, give it a fair chance, and if need be, make several attempts. You will then improve your chance to find new and valuable friends in the once fellow sufferers.

5. Psychotherapy

Finally, I would like to mention this in individual cases useful possibility. While the self help group already offers the advantage of anonymity, psychotherapy can additional provide the bonus of an expert. For due to his education, his professional and life experience, the therapist is optimally qualified to support you. Therapy ideally creates a relationship of trust between client and therapist and thus opens a space in which very personal, delicate, or even intimate information has its place. When for example familiar problems are paramount or this which are rooted deeply in your soul, it may be that you do not like that your partner or friends know about it, for maybe they are part of the problem. It is also possible that the group setting offers you too little safety or trust. Finally, it may be that the problem is of stubborn nature, that you suffer from it for an extended period and that you are looking for a more fundamental solution, one that focuses on the aim to make you a free and happy human being. Psychotherapy would be an ideal setting for such a work.

In addition to my pure traffic psychological activity I myself give therapies, but the client will have to finance these himself. There are for sure colleagues who can account with the health insurance, and I will gladly provide names by request. You will personally decide how far you want to go with your engagement and if you treat yourself to a therapy or not. It goes without saying that everything being gathered in therapy will speak for you in the MPU, i.e. certificates of therapy belong to those kinds of evidence an expert is appreciating.


As you have seen, there are a vast number of possibilities to optimally prepare for the MPU. One part of these possibilities you should go together with a qualified traffic psychologist. Another part you can build yourself. Only your engagement will limit the multitude of sensible ways. If you act in time, you will contact a traffic psychologist as soon as possible. By following the steps I have proposed, you will create optimal conditions for a positive expertise.

If it is true that most offences do not begin on the day itself, but have a pre-history - as for example a drunk driving which results from a problematic drinking past -, then it should also be granted that a positive expertise will not be decided on the day of the examination, but in the time before. Optimally presenting yourself, you certainly will make points in the conversation with the expert, and of course a traffic psychological counseling will consider this aspect, but it would be much wiser to reasonably use the time till the MPU. For in these months, your insight shall evolve; changes shall be put into practice, they shall work and stabilize. Thus the simple sentence still holds: who has understood his past, who has implemented and comprehensively tested the necessary changes into the present time, and who has clear ideas of an effective problem avoidance for the future, will receive a positive expertise.

Exactly walk along that path! Facilitate your work through a traffic psychological therapy and have the courage to change. Then you will do your best for yourself and your driver's license!